Local Churches
A list of some churches we recommend in Carson, Torrance, South Central and the surrounding cities. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA The national homepage of our organization howto.bible Learn to engage the Bible with all you’ve got - whether you're studying on your own or leading a small group of friends InterVarsity Press Homepage of InterVarsity's publication company InterVarsity Launch Launch is a site for small group leaders and mentors to use to help new Christians learn how to follow Jesus. Student Soul StudentSoul.org is a place for conversation about lively faith, real relationships and life on a college campus. InterVarsity Student Leadership Journal For nearly 18 years, "SLJ" was an award-winning magazine for Christian student leaders on college and university campuses — a toolbox full of ideas and help. Release the APE A blog to resource in Apostolic, Prophetic, Evangelistic (APE) ministry. |
CRUCIAL CONVERSATIONS SERIESClick the images below for a link to each week's presentation. Please note that the presentations below do not give the full context of each week's content. They are simple general notes used by presenters to emphasize particular points.
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